Drug and Alcohol Evaluations & Treatment Programs In Sargent, GA

Are you in need of an alcohol and drug evaluation in Sargent, GA? Or perhaps you’re just trying to support a loved one who has been court-ordered to undergo alcohol and drug evaluations in Sargent and surrounding areas. Whatever the case may be, the Atlanta Treatment Center is here to support you or your loved ones and help you understand the alcohol and drug evaluation process.

The primary purpose of an Alcohol and Drug Evaluation  (which is also frequently called a Substance Abuse Evaluation for Non-DUI clients) is to comprehensively identify the symptoms of the individual and carefully determine whether these constitute an addictive disease and/or co-occurring psychiatric disorder. 

Drug and alcohol assessments help evaluate drug or alcohol abuse. It’s designed to help people overcome the initial step of breaking free of alcoholism and empower them with the confidence to remain permanently free of alcohol addiction. The alcoholism treatment program  and Risk Reduction Program at our alcohol addiction center in Sargent , GA provide the personal care and attention needed to recover, establish and maintain a sober lifestyle.

Alcohol and Drug Evaluation Treatment Program

Why Is Drug and Alcohol Evaluations In Sargent are Necessary?

Alcohol & drug evaluations in Sargent, in are designed to accurately obtain relevant information about a substance abuser based on their particular circumstances and depth of substance use. For example, alcohol and drug evaluations are sometimes conducted for medical purposes when a doctor sees indicators showing that a patient is struggling with addiction. In addition, in some common situations, individuals are court-ordered to undergo alcohol and drug evaluation near you after a DUI or other illegal acts involving alcohol or drugs.

How Do You Know if You Are Turning Into An Alcoholic?

Here are some signs and symptoms of an alcoholic, which will help you understand if you’re one.

Alcohol Addiction

Assessments Help Determine the Following Things

What to Do if Court-Ordered Alcohol and Drug Evaluations?

The law in Sargent requires anyone charged with DUI (Driving Under the Influence) to complete an alcohol and drug evaluation. A judge could also request the alcohol and drug evaluation in other substance abuse-related cases. Some other related cases include reckless driving, public intoxication, disorderly conduct while intoxicated, possession of drugs or alcohol (can apply to minors), fake IDs for purchase or consumption, etc.

If you or a loved one might currently be in a situation where you have been court-ordered to take an alcohol and drug evaluation, it’s important to note that it’s not the end of the world. First and most importantly, you need to be grateful that you are alive and well to face the circumstances at hand. There is no need to freak out. Many others have been in a similar situation as you. With time and with the right effort, you will make it through this ordeal, just like many others have.

A common misconception is that taking an alcohol and drug evaluation might get you into more trouble. This is simply not true. Instead, it can be of great benefit to you. Not just because it is the first step of a successful treatment process, but because taking the evaluation pre-emptively shows your commitment to being on the right side of the law and society. This can go a long way in helping your case before a judge and sometimes impact the penalty given.

What Happens in a Drug or alcohol andAssessment?

A drug or alcohol assessment usually takes around an hour to one and a half hours. A certified addiction specialist will walk you through each step. The process typically includes:

Who Conducts an Drug and Alcohol Evaluations In Sargent?

In Sargent alcohol and drug evaluations are conducted by trained and state-licensed professionals. These professionals are often in the medical and social fields, and they usually have a special understanding of human behavior. Examples of some of these professionals are:

What Do You Need for an Alcohol and Drug Assessment?

How Can the Atlanta Treatment Center's Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center near Sargent Help You?

At our drug treatment center in Sargent, drug and alcohol addicts get suitable treatment from specialists, doctors, and counselors. This involves a lengthy yet effective procedure. Each of our treatment center uniquely treats its patients. The treatment that one gets depends mainly on the patient’s level of addiction and attitude. If a person is hopelessly addicted to drugs or alcohol, then the type of treatment would be intensive and require a longer termed commitment. The time that such a person would take to recover would be more than the person who is less addicted or has just got into the habit of drinking or drugs. Call us at 404-333-8301 to get more information or schedule a free confidential consultation today.

Call Atlanta Treatment Center at  404-333-8301 , ATC is an Addiction Treatment Center serving Sargent families, provide court approved drug and alcohol evaluation services in Sargent by a team of licensed counsellors and Therapists in Sargent, GA.

Are you looking to find out more about DUI evaluations, ASAM level 1, Drug and Alcohol Evaluation, and Family Violence Intervention Programs? Keep reading to learn more about the DUI evaluations and Classes in Sargent,

FVIP Classes in Sargent, ASAM level 1 Classes in Sargent, Drug and Alcohol Evaluation or Classes in Sargent or Call us at 404-333-8301 or Request a free consultation.

Alcohol and Drug Evaluation Treatment Programs atc