Cocaine Addiction Treatment

Cocaine Addiction Treatment

Are you addicted to cocaine? Do you want to stop and recover? Cocaine addiction treatment can be frustrating, as it causes mood shifts and sometimes it can cause acute depression. A well-planned recovery treatment plan can facilitate the healing process. At Atlanta Treatment Center, we encourage individuals to participate in our intensive outpatient treatment program to address substance abuse disorder.

Cocaine addiction treatment can be exciting and challenging at the same time. While you will be excited for rediscovering certain feel-good and meaning-making emotions, you may experience a low-grade depression and or mood swings. These are normal reactions to the initial stages of cocaine addiction treatment.
Our award-winning staff will work with you step-by-step and support you in your journey to a lifetime of healthy living and recovery.

Cocaine addiction treatment includes several treatment modalities and approaches that require a collaborative. At times, we encourage family and friends to participate in the recovery process, so they can fully understand the challenges ahead and support your recovery.

For an expedited appointment for an assessment, please call 404-333-8301