#1 Atlanta’s Premier Anger Management Evaluation and Counseling Services: Atlanta Treatment Center

Atlanta’s Premier Anger Management

Understanding Anger Management Evaluations

Anger is a natural emotion, but when it becomes uncontrollable, it can lead to significant problems. An anger management evaluation Atlanta helps identify the root causes and triggers of anger. This evaluation is essential for anyone seeking to improve their emotional well-being and relationships.

What is an Anger Management Evaluation?

An anger management evaluation Atlanta is a thorough assessment conducted by a licensed professional. It aims to understand the individual’s anger patterns, triggers, and the impact on their life. The evaluation includes interviews, questionnaires, and sometimes psychological testing. At Atlanta Treatment Center, our qualified professionals offer these services to help individuals manage their anger effectively.

Why You Need an Anger Management Evaluation in Atlanta?

Uncontrolled anger can lead to personal and professional issues. It can strain relationships, reduce work performance, and even result in legal problems. An anger management evaluation Atlanta provides insights into the underlying issues causing the anger. This understanding is the first step towards effective anger management in Atlanta and improved quality of life.

The Process of Anger Management Evaluation

The evaluation process typically starts with an initial consultation. During this session, the evaluator gathers background information and discusses the individual’s anger issues. The process is then supplemented by a series of assessments, which may include:

  • Interviews: One-on-one sessions to understand personal experiences and triggers.
  • Questionnaires: Standardized forms to gauge the frequency and intensity of anger episodes.
  • Psychological Tests: These may be used to uncover underlying mental health issues contributing to anger.

Benefits of Anger Management Evaluation

Improved Self-Awareness

One of the primary benefits of an anger management evaluation in Atlanta is increased self-awareness. Understanding what triggers your anger and how you react can help you develop better coping strategies.

Better Relationships

Anger can severely affect personal and professional relationships. By managing your anger, you can improve communication and reduce conflicts, leading to healthier relationships.

Enhanced Emotional Health

Managing anger effectively can lead to better emotional health. It can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, contributing to overall well-being.

Why Choose Atlanta Treatment Center for Your Anger Management Evaluation in Atlanta?

Expertise and Experience

Our team at Atlanta Treatment Center consists of highly qualified and experienced professionals specializing in anger management. We have years of experience helping individuals understand and manage their anger effectively.

Personalized Approach

At Atlanta Treatment Center, we believe in a personalized approach tailored to each individual’s needs. Our evaluations are thorough and customized to provide the best possible insights and recommendations for managing anger.

Comprehensive Support

From the initial consultation to post-evaluation follow-ups, we offer comprehensive support. We provide continuous guidance and resources to ensure you effectively manage your anger and improve your quality of life.

Confidential and Compassionate Care

We prioritize your privacy and provide a safe, confidential environment. Our compassionate professionals at Atlanta Treatment Center are dedicated to supporting you throughout the evaluation and treatment process.

Proven Results

Our methods are evidence-based and have proven effective for countless individuals. We are committed to helping you achieve tangible improvements in managing your anger and enhancing your overall well-being.

Why We Are Unique?

Holistic Approach

We adopt a comprehensive approach that takes into account all facets of your life. Our evaluations go beyond just identifying anger triggers; we also address related issues such as stress, anxiety, and overall mental health.

Advanced Techniques

We incorporate the latest techniques and tools in anger management. Our professionals at Atlanta Treatment Center are trained in cutting-edge methods to ensure you receive the most effective and up-to-date care.

Flexible Scheduling

Understanding the busy lives of our clients, we offer flexible scheduling options, including evening and weekend appointments. This ensures you can access the care you require without interrupting your daily commitments.

Continuous Learning

Our team maintains a steadfast commitment to ongoing learning and professional growth. We consistently stay abreast of the latest research and advancements in the field of anger management, ensuring that we deliver nothing short of the most exceptional service to our clients.

Client-Centered Care

We prioritize your needs and preferences. Our client-centered care approach ensures that you are actively involved in every step of the evaluation and treatment process, making the experience more effective and empowering.

Precautions for anger management

Before starting your anger management evaluation Atlanta at Atlanta Treatment Center, consider these important precautions:

  • Be Honest and Open: Provide accurate information about your feelings and experiences. This helps in making an accurate assessment.
  • Understand Confidentiality: Know that your information is kept confidential, which can encourage more openness during sessions.
  • Set Realistic Expectations: Change takes time. Exercise patience with yourself and have faith in the process.
  • Be Prepared for Emotions: The evaluation might bring up strong emotions. Be ready to handle them with the support of your therapist.
  • Follow Recommendations: After the evaluation, follow through with the suggested steps for the best outcomes.

Steps to Take After the Evaluation

After the evaluation, the professional will provide a detailed report with findings and recommendations. This may include:

  • Therapy: Regular sessions with a therapist to work on anger management techniques.
  • Support Groups: Joining a support group to share experiences and learn from others.
  • Self-Help Strategies: Techniques such as mindfulness, relaxation exercises, and journaling to manage anger.

DUI Clinical Evaluation Atlanta

In addition to anger management, Atlanta Treatment Center offers DUI clinical evaluation Atlanta services. These evaluations are essential for individuals required to undergo a clinical assessment following a DUI charge. Our comprehensive evaluations help determine the appropriate level of care and support needed to address any underlying issues related to substance use and mental health.


An anger management evaluation in Atlanta is a valuable tool for anyone struggling with anger issues. It provides a clear understanding of the causes and offers actionable steps for improvement. By taking this crucial step, individuals can enhance their emotional well-being, improve relationships, and lead a more fulfilling life. Choose Atlanta Treatment Center for your anger management evaluation Atlanta and experience professional, compassionate, and effective support. Our unique, holistic approach ensures you receive the best care tailored to your specific needs. For those needing additional services, our DUI clinical evaluation Atlanta is also available to provide comprehensive support.

Overcoming the stigma of Mental illness

Mental Illness is not a Character Defect

Emotional, psychological, and social wellbeing are all parts of mental health. It influences how we feel, act, think, make decisions, and interact with others. Your overall health and quality of life depend on your mental health, which is more than just the absence of mental illnesses. Self-care can play a role in maintaining your mental health and helping support your treatment and recovery if you have a mental illness.

Overcoming the stigma of mental illness

The term “stigma” refers to the negative stereotype that someone has of you as a result of a distinguishing characteristic or personal trait that is, or is perceived to be, a disadvantage. Unfortunately, negative attitudes and beliefs toward people who have a mental health condition are common.

Stigma can lead to discrimination. Unfortunately, there are many people who have unfavorable attitudes and beliefs about people who have mental health issues. Or it may be unintentional or subtle, such as someone avoiding you because the person assumes you could be unstable, violent, or dangerous due to your mental illness. You may even judge yourself.

The Effects of Stigma

Fear and misunderstanding frequently result in prejudice against those suffering from mental illnesses and addictions, even among support professionals. It’s one of the key reasons why many people don’t think of it as a serious health problem. This prejudice and discrimination creates emotions of hopelessness and guilt in people who are struggling to cope with their circumstances, posing a significant barrier to diagnosis and treatment.


Some of the harmful effects of stigma can include:

  • Reluctance to seek help or treatment
  • Lack of understanding by family, friends, co-workers or others
  • Fewer opportunities for work, school or social activities or trouble finding housing
  • Bullying, physical violence or harassment
  • Health insurance that doesn’t adequately cover your mental illness treatment
  • The belief that you’ll never succeed at certain challenges or that you can’t improve your situation

Steps to cope with stigma

Here are some ways you can deal with stigma:

Get treatment.

You may be reluctant to admit you need treatment. Don’t let the fear of being labeled with a mental illness prevent you from seeking help. Treatment can provide relief by identifying what’s wrong and reducing symptoms that interfere with your work and personal life.

Don’t let stigma create self-doubt and shame. 

Stigma doesn’t just come from others. You may mistakenly believe that your condition is a sign of personal weakness or that you should be able to control it without help. Seeking counseling, educating yourself about your condition, and connecting with others who have mental illnesses can help you gain self-esteem and overcome destructive self-judgment.

Don’t isolate yourself

If you have a mental illness, you may be reluctant to tell anyone about it. Your family, friends, clergy, or members of your community can offer you support if they know about your mental illness. Reach out to people you trust for the compassion, support, and understanding you need.

Don’t equate yourself with your illness. 

You are not an illness. So instead of saying “I’m bipolar,” say “I have bipolar disorder.” Instead of calling yourself “a schizophrenic,” say “I have schizophrenia.”

Join a support group. 

Some local and national groups, such as the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), offer local programs and internet resources that help reduce stigma by educating people who have mental illness, their families, and the general public. Some state and federal agencies and programs, such as those that focus on vocational rehabilitation and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), offer support for people with mental illness.

Get help at school. 

If you or your child has a mental illness that affects learning, find out what plans and programs might help. Discrimination against students because of a mental illness is against the law, and educators at primary, secondary, and college levels are required to accommodate students as best they can. Talk to teachers, professors, or administrators about the best approach and resources. If a teacher doesn’t know about a student’s disability, it can lead to discrimination, barriers to learning, and poor grades.

Speak out against stigma. 

Consider expressing your opinions at events, in letters to the editor, or on the internet. It can help instill courage in others facing similar challenges and educate the public about mental illness.

Others’ judgments almost always stem from a lack of understanding rather than information based on facts. Learning to accept your condition and recognize what you need to do to treat it, seeking support, and helping educate others can make a big difference.

Side Effects of Alcohol Abuse

According to the statistical data collected by World Health Organization (WHO), somewhere around 76 million people across the world suffer from some or other disorder which can be traced to alcohol abuse. With an estimated 100,000 deaths attributed to alcohol consumption every year, the scenario is not quite pleasant in the United States either.

More importantly, this figure doesn’t just include deaths as a result of some alcohol-related disorders – such as cirrhosis of the liver and cancer, but it also includes indirect causes related to alcohol. Tragic things can happen such as driving accidents, homicides, etc. Even though information on side effects of alcohol abuse is available in plenty, most often people are either too busy or too careless to get into the details of this matter.

What is Alcohol Abuse?

Alcohol abuse tends to differ from moderate drinking, considering the fact that it is the practice of drinking alcohol to an extent where it causes numerous social problems as well as health issues in the person’s life. Even though alcohol abuse is often referred to as ‘alcoholism’, this is not a technical term because several definitions exist this term – some of which are not at all compatible with the alcohol abuse definition.

Basically, alcohol abuse is defined as the practice of drinking alcoholic beverages without any restraint in such a manner that it eventually results in problems in the person’s overall health as well as interpersonal relationships and professional life. In DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), alcohol abuse is defined as a “psychiatric diagnosis describing the recurring use of alcoholic beverages despite negative consequences.”

Side Effects of Alcohol Abuse

Even though a person who resorts to alcohol abuse won’t recognize the symptoms of this condition even after they get obvious with time, health professionals have come up with a list of some negative side effects of the same which are likely to start surfacing when you go beyond the concept of moderate drinking. In a broad sense, the negative effects of alcohol consumption can be categorized into two groups.

The first is the short-term effects which start surfacing when the person is under the influence of alcohol which could go on for 48-72 hours after that. Also, there are long-term effects which are associated with alcohol abuse for a prolonged period. Given below are the details of various alcohol abuse side effects with reference to mental and physical health, and personal and professional life.

Side Effects on Mental and Physical Health

The side effects of alcohol on a person’s health – both physical and mental, exist in a great deal. Alcohol is known to have adverse effects on the cells of our brain which are associated with cognitive abilities. A result, the person can face difficulty in coordination, inability to concentrate, and impaired judgment.

In the long term, this damage can result in impairment of brain growth and function, and eventually trigger neuropsychiatric and cognitive disorders. Other than hallucinations and delusions, the person can also suffer from severe insomnia as a result of prolonged alcohol abuse. The chances of the person suffering from depressive disorders cannot be ruled out either.

The fact that the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer considers alcohol to be a carcinogen makes alcohol side effects even more evident. When alcohol gets mixed in the bloodstream, it can trigger a drastic fall in the individual’s blood pressure and pulse rate. In the long term, alcohol abuse affects the digestive system, and triggers health problems such as liver cirrhosis and pancreatitis – which can result in fatality in the absence of proper medical treatment at the right time.

Other than increasing the chances of a person suffering from stroke, alcohol abuse can also make the person vulnerable to conditions such as anemia, thrombocytopenia, and hypersplenism. It can also result in loss of sexual drive, and trigger problems like testicular failure and gynecomastia in males and breast cancer in females.

Side Effects on Personal/Professional Life

The ill-effects of alcohol abuse on your personal and professional life are undoubtedly the most disastrous – and the aforementioned mental and physical side effects of the same have a crucial role to play as well. As a result of the intense craving for alcohol that an individual develops in course of time, the person often resorts to lying, hiding the habit, or finding ways to get involved in drinking with any activity.

A person may also end up drinking more than intended without even realizing the same. In such circumstances, the person often resorts to drinking in dangerous circumstances (such as drinking while driving) or casual situations just because he or she has nothing ‘worthwhile’ to do.

In the course of time, drinking tends to become a priority, while all the other commitments – including family responsibilities and productivity at the workplace, take a back seat. As drinking becomes the center of the person’s life, they unknowingly are isolated from friends and family. In the course of time, it becomes an impossible task for the patient to give up drinking, and this is where they resort to alcohol just to feel relaxed or happy.

One of the basic symptoms of alcohol abuse is denial of a drinking problem.This can make it even more difficult for the patient to come out of the entire mess. All the mental side effects can result in issues like job loss, poverty etc., and leave the person utterly devastated at times, and possibly to an extent wherein they may develop suicidal tendencies.

How to Stop Alcohol Abuse?

It is very difficult for a person to come to terms with reality, and admit that they need help to get rid of this addiction.Most think people are actually able to do it on their own. However, taking a serious note of all these side effects of alcohol abuse, alcohol abuse intervention is a necessary cause of action. Alcohol abuse intervention, is the practice of making a person realize how the practice of drinking is taking a toll on their life and prompting them to quit the habit, becomes a necessity at one point of time.

If you intend to help someone to get rid of alcohol addiction, referring a patient to a doctor or some support group would be a good idea – as both can help them cope with drinking cessation and withdrawal effects of the same. Similarly, and perhaps more importantly, you also need to hang around and make sure that they don’t give in to cravings at the end of the day.

Ideally, all these effects of alcohol on the human body are bound to be more than enough to convince you why you need to quit drinking. If you are willing to go on your own, the first step will be to pledge a date to complete alcohol cessation in the near future. Even when you go alone, you will require medical help as well as help from people around you, especially when the withdrawal affect of the same at their peak.

One mistake that many people make at this point of time is to shy away from asking for help in such circumstances, – and that’s something that you shouldn’t even think about doing. While people around you will help you concentrate on your pledge, the doctor will help you tackle the withdrawal symptoms with medications that will reduce their severity. With a little bit of help from the doctor and your well-wishers, withdrawals from alcohol may not be as tedious a task as it is believed to be.

Are you in need of an alcohol and drug evaluation in Atlanta or Marietta? Or perhaps you’re just trying to support a loved one who has been court-ordered to undergo alcohol and drug evaluations in the metro Atlanta area. Whatever the case may be, the Atlanta Treatment Center is here to support you or your loved ones and help you understand the alcohol and drug evaluation process. Call us at 404-333-8301 to schedule your Drug and Alcohol Assessment.

5 Ways to Deal With an Alcohol Craving After Undergoing Alcohol Treatment

Here are five ways to help you deal with a very common problem of craving alcohol after you are out of the Atlanta addiction treatment center. It is a very well-accepted fact that alcohol cravings cannot be eliminated completely with any kind of treatment. You need to have skills to handle stresses, strains, and triggers which might lead you back to alcohol. With the five ways which are mentioned below, you can successfully resist any such cravings and lead a healthy life.

  • Distraction:

Feeling down and out or stressed out and thinking of a tiny drink? Make your mind veer abruptly. Distract yourself by taking up some other activity, watching some relaxing TV, reading a book, going out for a walk, or visiting with your friends or family so that your mind is diverted and the thought of a drink passes you by. However, this is not the only technique that can help you to manage cravings but there are many other alternatives that can support you while minimizing all kinds of addiction substitution behaviors.

Most people try to realize the pleasures that addiction gave them in the past and this attracts them back to the addiction. On the contrary, they must understand the negative consequences which were faced by them and this will help them in the management of cravings for alcohol. It has been suggested by the therapists who are engaged in alcohol treatment to list out various reasons which can help you to stay sober. When you feel tempted to drink alcohol again, try to have a look at that list again.

  • Talk during craving:

If thoughts of alcohol intrude then try talking to someone you know. This can be in person or over the phone and be frank and do not hesitate to tell him how you are feeling. Talking will help lessen the load on your mind and minimize the craving Hence, instead of struggling with the anxiety you should talk to others and try to distract your attention to other better things.

  • Try to face this craving instead of running:

Face it square and take it head-on. As they say, the attack is the best form of defense so just do not try to run or escape. Tell yourself that you are strong and that you will never let alcohol ever intrude in your life again.

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy:

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is used as a part of alcohol treatment for the post-recovery process. CBT approach is considered to be a great technique for overcoming all kinds of cravings related to addiction.

Treatment for drug addiction can help people recover from their addictions, injuries, and even physical or mental diseases. Substance addiction treatment facilities, on the other hand, are frequently what comes to mind when the word “rehab” is used. Alcohol addiction treatment Centers provide people with additional attention to help them quit drugs or alcohol.

If you are looking for alcohol and drug evaluation near you then to know more about how alcohol and Drug evaluation Centers can help you, you can contact Atlanta Treatment Center at 404-333-8301.

Alcohol Rehab Programs, Addiction Intervention & Alcohol Detox


Atlanta Treatment Center , Alcohol addiction rehab treatment programs in Atlanta are designed to help people overcome the initial step of breaking free of alcoholism, and to empower them with the confidence to remain permanently free of alcohol addiction. Atlanta Treatment Center provides the personal care and attention needed to recover, establish and maintain a sober lifestyle. Get more information or a free confidential consultation 404-333-8301

The Phases of Holistic Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Alcohol Rehab Treatment, Phase 1

We perform a thorough psychological evaluation to assess the needs of each individual client, and their strengths and weaknesses as it relates to overcoming alcohol addiction / alcoholism. Based on this drug and alcohol evaluation report, the client then joins the most appropriate addiction program groups. Each client is treated with the utmost of dignity and respect during this sensitive stage.

Phase 1 introduces important steps in breaking free of alcohol addiction. The schedule includes: individual and group therapy, family therapy, lectures, balanced nutrition, fitness activities (such as weightlifting, karate, tai-chi and yoga), meditation and spirituality, bio-feedback, acupuncture, recreation and fun, daily support groups and fellowship (AA, OA, NA, etc.), vocational and educational assistance, and job placement, and liaisons with courts and probation officers.

Alcohol Rehab Treatment, Phase 2

After completing Phase 1, the client is ready to make the critical and sensitive transitional step back to the workforce. Given that this can be extremely difficult and stressful for a recovering alcoholic, we make the process much more comfortable by helping with difficulties, aiding with job placement, and assisting the client to solve problems.

For the next 45 days, clients will work at their job during the day and receive alcohol addiction treatment in the evenings and during the weekends.

Alcohol Rehab Treatment, Phase 3

Phase 3 of our  alcohol addiction treatment program is the aftercare component of alcoholism recovery. Clients return to our Atlanta addiction treatment center once per week for up to one year, at no additional charge.

Our trained addiction recovery professionals monitor each patient’s recovery progress. The aftercare plan for each client is revised and updated as necessary based on individual needs with the focus of relapse prevention and problem solving.

In the event that a recovering client is having significant trouble adjusting with the program, the client may be asked by the treatment team to return to our center to undergo additional alcohol addiction recovery treatment.

Atlanta Treatment Center provides the personal care and attention needed to recover, establish and maintain a sober lifestyle. Here, individualized treatment plans are developed by experienced, licensed professional counselors. Our customized alcohol and drug classes are designed for each individual. Atlanta Treatment Center specializes in lifetime recovery curriculums for men, women, and career professionals. Our alcohol addiction treatment program can work for you. Call 404-333-8301 for a free consultation.

Drug Treatment Center: What Role Does It Play?

A drug treatment center in Atlanta is a place where drug and alcohol addicts get suitable treatment from specialists, doctors and counselors. This involves a long, yet effective procedure and each treatment center treats their patients in a unique manner. The treatment that one gets depends mainly on the level of addiction and attitude of the patient. If a person is hopelessly addicted to drugs or alcohol then the type of treatment would be intensive and require a longer termed commitment. The time period that the person would take to recover would be more as compared to the person who is less addicted or a person who has just got into the habit of drinking or drugs.

People who experience addiction usually are the ones who are caught up in difficult situations in life and think drugs will give them some relief. However, there are many who get into its trap just because they were curious to know what the experience is like and gradually became dependent on it. Hence changing the thought process of the patient is very important and experienced counselors are trained to help with the thought process.

People suffering from addiction also need to undergo a drug and alcohol evaluation, which cleanses the poison out of their system before keeping them abstinent. During the initial stages of abstinence, the patient may be subject to withdrawal symptoms, which could provoke violent reactions caused by the absence of the addictive substance in the bloodstream. It is a known fact that drugs and alcohol cause a lot of harm to your body. It affects the nervous system and thereafter the vital organs, shutting each one down, one after the other. Consistent abuse of drugs can cause the heart to beat irregularly and this eventually affects the blood supply to the brain, killing nerve cells essential for basic human functions such as breathing, digestion, and metabolism. What this eventually does is that it compels the body to exist in a constant state of tension and urgency, making the mind incapable of performing any thought processing function other than to sustain life. The therapies offered at a drug treatment center helps you get rid of your addiction and become sober.

There are many therapies like behavioral therapies which adopt a purely scientific approach in order to treat drug addiction. Many drug rehab centers in Atlanta offer these kinds of therapies and drug and alcohol evaluation in order to treat alcohol and drug addicts. They also offer modalities in order to give them the energy and the willpower to fight addiction. In case of any relapse during the treatment or after the treatment, there are counselors devoted for the purpose of bringing the patient back to their natural rhythm. In a drug treatment center they formulate and implement a treatment program based on several aspects like the physical condition of the patient, the mental disposition, and the social background of the patient. It is very important for an addict to adapt to the surroundings around him. This is a gradual process. It will take some time for the person to find his/her place in society and reinstate himself or herself into normal mainstream community life. There are different types of programs for different types of patients because each patient is unique in his or her own way. Each program is tailor made to suit the requirements of people from different backgrounds, having different outlook towards life, spirituality, and even gender.

Everybody who gets into the habit of taking drugs or alcohol thinks that they can start and stop whenever they want to. This is not true, it becomes very difficult for them to come to terms with reality and stop themselves from doing so. They find it difficult to accept the fact that they have become addicted and they can’t get rid of it until and unless they take professional help. Acknowledging the difficulty to come to terms with the reality of an addict’s situation is the starting point. They usually try to deny the fact and lie to their loved ones as well as themselves. Once they realize they need treatment, they will recover successfully.  

Different drugs may be given to help lessen uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms during alcohol detox in an inpatient rehab facility. Medications can also aid in the equilibrium of a person’s bodily chemistry, reducing the likelihood of major consequences. A medical practitioner will deliver the drug and monitor its effects while you are in rehab. Reach out to Atlanta Treatment Center to know what to expect or Call 404-333-8301 for a free consultation.

Treatment Plan for Alcohol and Drug Evaluation

Alcohol and Drug Evaluation

The Alcohol and Drug Evaluation is the first step in determining if an addiction is present, the extent of the addiction and assist in the development of a treatment plan.  The evaluation is intended to assist in the evaluation of life stress, attitude, emotional stability, criminal history, and alcohol/drug use through the personal interview and assessment tools.

It consists of you answering a questionnaire in reference to your current drug or alcohol use, treatment history, health history, patterns of behavior, symptoms, and the effects that addiction has had on your life.

The evaluation is conducted by trained personnel, is held in a private setting and typically lasts approximately one hour.  An Alcohol and Drug Evaluation in Decatur screen is performed if requested, indicated or required by the courts.  Drug screening tests cannot be used to determine if an addiction exists however they are typically used in the addiction assessment process to determine the type of drugs you may have or are currently using.

Drug screening tests cannot be used to determine if a person has a drug or alcohol addiction, however. They are typically used in the addiction assessment process to determine the type of drugs a person is using A written evaluation report will be made available at the end of your session.  The written report will outline a suggested treatment plan.

What are basic physical symptoms of Anger Disorder?

symptoms of Anger Disorder

“Anger Disorder is not a hidden psychological issue nowadays, not anymore!  When it comes to Anger, it is an emotion and therefore, everyone has it. However, the probability of getting this emotion and the controllability upon the emotion only defines if the anger disorder is residing in one person’s personality or not” suggests the Anger Management Evaluation experts of Atlanta Therapy Center. More often than not, the first step on the subject of a cure for Anger disorder is Anger Management Class where one is free to speak about the prior and post feelings of Anger burst out. The process makes the recovery quite possible. Here are the basic physical symptoms to figure out the presence of Anger disorder—

Boosted Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is one of the symptoms of Anger Disorder. You may say that there could be other reasons for boosted blood pressure too, on the contrary, according to medical conclusions, anger tend to enhance the stress level in the body like a surge of hormones is progressed. In this situation, the cardiac output is boosted that is the amount of blood pumped at a time increased twice. More often than not, the blood pressure may result in a heart attack or even death if not controlled in time. It is recommendable to stay in touch with Anger management Evaluation assistance if boosted blood pressure is one of the symptoms you are experiencing.


Fatigue here refers to extreme tiredness. Akin to any other mental illness, in anger disorder, extreme tiredness is one of the symptoms. More often than not, the one who is going through Anger issues may encounter tiredness to a level where he/she cannot get out of bed, room, or sometimes, even cannot adapt to move at all. To control fatigue is quite important for one’s living to move on. If you are coming across extreme tiredness one your temper is high even though it is for quick seconds or minutes, get instant help!

Tightening of Chest

Do you know what it does feel like to become aware of your own heartbeats? Yes! That uncomfortable feeling comes from the tightening of the Chest. With time, the tightening of the chest becomes a physical inconvenience you may encounter if you are going through extreme anger issues. In this situation, it is important for one to calm down and inhale & exhale deeply for a few minutes. Tightening of the chest may lead to a breakdown in public and other health issues in the long run. Anger management is the solution for the controllability of this symptom.

Call us today at 404-333-8301 for more information on being prepared for effective Anger Management classes, visit: AtlantaTreatmentCenter.Org. And get the best assistance.

We offer individual and couples therapy treatment Center in Atlanta, GA. Call us today for more information on being prepared for your DUI Classes & Drug Rehab- 404-333-8301.

SAP (Substance Abuse Evaluation for DOT)

Substance Abuse Evaluation for DOT

If you are covered by the DOT and have violated a DOT drug and alcohol program regulation, you must be evaluated, by an SAP and complete a remedial intervention or education program recommended by the SAP before you can be released to return to a safety-sensitive job.  To be in compliance with DOT guidelines only an SAP and not just any drug and alcohol counselor can evaluate you in this situation.

An appointment can be made with one of our SAP professionals as soon as you are notified of a failed randomized test on the job.  If an expedited evaluation is required, it can be conducted within 24 hours in one of our three locations (Atlanta, Decatur, or Marietta).  Our goal is to return you to work as quickly as possible, however; the process starts with the evaluation.  The sooner you see an evaluator for your SAP Evaluation for DOT, the sooner you may be able to return to work.

The Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) conducts a face-to-face clinical evaluation, including standardized testing.  The assessment generated by the SAP professional will be provided and facilitates the process to return to work.

DOT’s rule requires recommendations for treatment and/or education in every case.  A recommendation concerning education, treatment, follow-up testing, and aftercare will be provided.  Your return to work is dependent on how fast you get your SAP evaluation and get the process started.

Call us today for more information on being prepared for your Anger Management Class & SAP for DOT – 404-333-8301.

Why you might need a therapy for you anger issues?

anger issues

Anger is not extremely bad for the starting levels. But when it is hard for you, shrug it off, and the anger stays longer. It can be extremely harmful to not just you but your family as well. Anger Management plays an essential role in helping you with that. You might be questioning yourself, that why do I even need to for therapy? Is it really important?

Behavioral Patterns

Yes, it is extremely important unless you are getting angry and it dissolved within some time. Some behavioral patterns indicate you must go for therapy; let’s look at that –

  1. Star using physical abuse as a way of expressing anger.
  2. When you get angry or even violent after consuming alcohol.
  3. You are unable or struggling at agreeing mutually with someone without anger or frustration.
  4. You are getting addicted to substance abusing or any drugs.
  5. You are refusing or have started ignoring people because of your misunderstood triggers or anger.
  6. You or your loved ones are witnessing a vicious cycle of anger, violence, or abusive behavior.

How The Therapists Help In Managing Your Anger?

The first and foremost thing that a therapist will be doing is giving you assistance and support in your anger issues. Especially medical assistance will help you in tackling issues like the excessive use of alcohol or any other substance. Your triggers, underlying severe mental health issues, and difficulties will not just be addressed but handled with professional guidance.

Also, when you go for the counseling class for managing your anger under a professional. You’ll come to know that many people suffer from the same issues. It will help you in motivating to resolve your issues faster and avoid the weird feeling of loneliness. In the session of management, they will assist you with non-aggressive ways of expressing yourself in the situation when you feel annoyed.

The therapy usually calms you down and helps you in solving your problem wisely. But, at the same time, extreme anger can result in losing many precious things like your job, family member, friends or much more.