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Treatment Plan for Alcohol and Drug Evaluation

Treatment Plan for Alcohol and Drug Evaluation

Treatment Plan for Alcohol and Drug Evaluation

The Alcohol and Drug Evaluation is the first step in determining if an addiction is present, the extent of the addiction and assist in the development of a treatment plan.  The evaluation is intended to assist in the evaluation of life stress, attitude, emotional stability, criminal history, and alcohol/drug use through the personal interview and assessment tools.

It consists of you answering a questionnaire in reference to your current drug or alcohol use, treatment history, health history, patterns of behavior, symptoms, and the effects that addiction has had on your life.

The evaluation is conducted by trained personnel, is held in a private setting and typically lasts approximately one hour.  An Alcohol and Drug Evaluation in Decatur screen is performed if requested, indicated or required by the courts.  Drug screening tests cannot be used to determine if an addiction exists however they are typically used in the addiction assessment process to determine the type of drugs you may have or are currently using.

Drug screening tests cannot be used to determine if a person has a drug or alcohol addiction, however. They are typically used in the addiction assessment process to determine the type of drugs a person is using A written evaluation report will be made available at the end of your session.  The written report will outline a suggested treatment plan.

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